Device qualification

We organize complete approval tests on electrical / electronic components in accordance with the specifications of the required standards.

Our customers in this business area are among the energy industry as well as measurement technology manufacturers who want to qualify their devices for the use in power plants.

Operable tests

  • Electrical tests
  • Temperature – and climate tests 180 ° C 99% rel. Humidity
  • EMC tests
  • Mechanical tests with single / multi-axis stimulation
  • Environmental simulation
  • Autoclave tests up to 10 bar
  • Radiological tests for resistance to gamma radiation

Own testing laboratory for electrical measurements and climate tests

Qualified according to KTA 1401

        © CS cybernetic systems GmbH - Hundsbergstrasse 33 - 74076 Heilbronn              +49 (0) 71 31 / 79 77 78 - 0                       CONTACT            IMPRINT            PRIVACY